Tickets FORE Charity
Help make a difference by giving back when you purchase a Friday OR Sunday Grounds Ticket to the 2024 Ally Challenge presented by McLaren! For every qualifying ticket purchased using a specific charity promo code and scanned onsite on Friday, August 23 OR Sunday, August 25, $10 will be donated to the designated charity. The list of participating charities and promo codes are listed below. Be sure to enter the desired promo code before completing your purchase to ensure your charity of choice receives the additional donation.
The three charities with the most scans of tickets sold with their promo code will receive a bonus donation from the tournament:
- 1st Place - $2,500
- 2nd Place - $1,500
- 3rd Place - $1,000
To purchase a Friday OR Sunday ticket using a charity promo code, please click on the promo code of the organization you'd like to support below:
2024 Tickets FORE Charity Organizations
Clicking on the Promo Code will bring you to the Ticketmaster page to purchase a Friday OR Sunday ticket and will automatically apply the promo code.
- A Kid Again - Michigan Chapter KID
- Cass Community Social Services CCSS
- Clara's Hope CLARASHOPE
- Family Service Agency of Mid Michigan FAMILY
- FISH of Grand Blanc FISHGB
- Flint Freedom Schools Collaborative FREEDOM
- Flint Junior Golf Association FLINTJCA
- Food Bank of Eastern Michigan FOOD
- Genesee County Prevention Coalition GCPC
- Gottagetit GOTTAGETIT
- Grand Blanc Athletic Foundation ATHLETIC
- Grand Blanc Heritage Association HERITAGE
- Humane Society of Genesee County HUMANEGC
- Humane Society of Macomb HUMANEMACOMB
- Ireland's Dream IRELAND
- Junior Achievement of Southeastern Michigan JUNIOR
- Motivated by Faith MOTIVATED
- Outreach East OUTREACH
- The Second MIle Center of Detroit SMCDET
- Voices For Children Advocacy Center VOICES
- Whaley Children's Center WHALEY